Saturday, February 18, 2017

Bill Moyers and Company: Republicans, when all is said and Done How Will You be Remembered?

Speaker of the House, Republican Paul Ryan
“Republicans, there is a name for those who take the moral high ground and fight back: heroes. When all is said and done, how will you be remembered?”

Congressional Republicans, we watched you at the White House Thursday. Just before Donald J. Trump's rambling, manic, often snarky press conference — delivered more in the manner of a churlish insult comic than leader of the free world — the president met with a group of you, a self-titled “Trump caucus” of early supporters.

You fawned over him like autograph hunters gushing over their favorite movie star. Rep. Chris Collins of New York: “Mr. President, we’re all honored to be here.” Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee: “We’re excited about the work you’re doing.” And Missouri’s Billy Long referenced the recent visit of Japan’s prime minister: “I knew you all would hit it off because you’re both people persons and great personalities. … I knew you guys would get along good.”

Oh, brother. Has it come down to this? The party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower in the thrall of a petulant, impulsive, preening and shamelessly amoral president who thinks Vladimir Putin is the apex of effective management.

Republicans, is this really the legacy you choose?

How can you not take a solid stand against an unhinged con man who in less than a month has undermined fundamental constitutional liberties, thrown governance into disorganized hell and possibly made decisions based on his desire to please the leader of another country?

Republicans, Where’s the Backbone?
Desperately seeking those GOP politicians who will stand up against a know-nothing bully who holds the highest office in the land.
By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship | February 17, 2017