Monday, January 13, 2014

Inequality Is ‘The Defining Challenge of Our Time’

Denying People Work Based On Loss of Credit Is a Mode of Inequality

For years now, credit-reporting agencies have been selling credit histories to employers. Because of a poor credit history, many seeking work have been denied employment, and inequality has taken a giant leap forward.

Monday, January 6, 2014

James Carroll on Pope Francis: ‘WHO AM I TO JUDGE?’

Pope Francis impresses me as a man who will walk the talk. Perhaps -- just perhaps -- his leadership will have sufficient impact to spur others to following him in his commitment to building a better world.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

America’s Corporations and Consumers Need to Defend Workers’ Rights as Human Rights

Corporations have a responsibility not only to respect its stockholders and customers but its employees as well. Stockholders and consumers should understand that their experience with businesses who respect these rights would be greatly enhanced.