Saturday, May 20, 2017

Robert Reich: 4 syndromes of passivity in the face of pending Trump tyranny

Our country is in difficult and perilous times. 

It seems daily we are bombarded by depressing news from President Donald Trump or by one or more of his associates. And, when there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel it soon becomes very dim with a President adept at circumventing his scandalous behavior, with a considerable number of the  Americans who voted for him who accept his shenanigans, and with a Republican-led Congress who look the other way. 

Other than the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel to oversee the Trump-Russia investigation, which is problematic since if things aren't satisfactory to Trump, he could simply fire Mueller too, there is little hope that things are going to change.

Robert Reich says there are 4 syndromes to watch out for. "If you find yourself falling into one or more of these syndromes, that’s understandable. Normalizing, numbing, becoming cynical, and feeling powerless are natural human responses to the peril posed by Trump."

Robert Reich: 4 syndromes of passivity in the face of pending Trump tyranny