Tuesday, May 9, 2017

GQ — Senate Republicans Embarrassed Themselves at the Sally Yates Hearing

"On Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee convened to formally delve into the grim task of debriefing Russia's meddling in the 2016 election. The main event was the testimony of Sally Yates, the former Acting Attorney General who, shortly before she was fired by President Trump, had reportedly warned the White House about disgraced former National Security Director Michael Flynn's connections to Russia. But even at a hearing literally titled “Russian Interference in the 2016 United States Election," the esteemed Republican senators in attendance spent the afternoon falling all over themselves in an outrageously transparent and hilariously frantic effort to talk about anything else," according to GQ.

From acTv:

Nearly all the Republicans at today's Senate hearing with Sally Yates and James Clapper wanted to change the subject. But that didn't work out too well for Ted Cruz.

Here's the story:

Senate Republicans Embarrassed Themselves at the Sally Yates Hearing

By Jay Willis