Thursday, August 24, 2017

Politico -- Trump retweets image of him covering up Obama in ‘best eclipse ever’


There are now 2 Donald Trumps – Teleprompter Trump and Tantrum Trump.

Teleprompter Trump, who almost sounds presidential, isn’t the real Donald. He’s the person reading from a teleprompter words written for him by aides and Cabinet appointees. We saw Teleprompter Trump Monday night talking about Afghanistan and yesterday talking about veterans.

Tantrum Trump is the real Donald. It’s Trump minus the teleprompter. We saw Tantrum Trump at his rally in Pheonix Tuesday night when he called the press “sick,” threatened to close the government if Congress didn’t give him money for his wall, attacked Republican senators, and hinted he’d pardon racist Sheriff Joe. And in this morning’s tweets where he went ballistic on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. And last week when he called white supremacists “good people” and criticized “both sides” in Charlottesville.

Tantrum Trump is unhinged and dangerous. Republican members of Congress with any integrity must stop him.