Sunday, August 20, 2017

NBC -- Trump’s Approval Rating Stands Below 40 Percent in Three Key Midwest States

Respect is earned. Trump has not earned my respect. I don't respect bullies, I don't respect racism, I don't respect bigots, I don't respect fascists, I don't respect dictators, I don't respect pathological liars, I don't respect anyone that trashes our Constitution, I don't respect anyone who is disrespectful to others and finally anyone that would say "I could shoot someone in Time Square and no one would care" is never to be respected,” -- Steve Silverman

With sixty percent of voters saying they are embarrassed by Trump’s presidency, I would assume voters wholeheartedly agree.

More bad news for Trump in the aftermath of his comments on Charlottesville, according to a new News/Marist poll. His approval ratings have fallen below 40 percent in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin -- three states that were key to his election.

Sixty percent of voters also said that they are embarrassed by his presidency. The results are notable because Trump won these states by a narrow margin in November. Nationally, Trump's approval also hit an all-time low of 34 percent last week.

Americans don't believe in hateful violence, and they want a president who doesn't, either. More people see Trump for what he is: a bigoted opportunist who stokes hatred for political gain.

By Mark Murray