Saturday, June 10, 2017

Vanity Fair -- While Everyone Was Obsessing Over Comey, Republicans Passed A Bill To Kill Dodd-Frank

Paul Ryan called it the “crown jewel” of the G.O.P.’s effort to undo financial regulation.

“Happy Comey Testimony Day! On Thursday, people all across the country dropped what they were doing to devote several hours to watch a Senate hearing. Of course, this was not your typical C-SPAN affair but the first opportunity to hear from the one and only James Comey, who was fired last month after allegedly failing to comply with Donald Trump's Valentine’s Day request to “let this go”—this being Comey’s investigation into former national security adviser Mike Flynn. While the event sadly did not include a dramatic reading of Comey’s bodice-ripping prepared remarks, it was nevertheless Must See TV, of the sort that compelled bars across D.C. to open early for viewing parties, featuring drink specials like the “covfefe cocktail” and “Drop the Bomb.” Which made it a perfect time for House Republicans to pass a bill that would gut financial regulation.

"Dubbed the Financial Choice Act (Republicans love choice!), the bill, authored by Representative Jeb Hensarling, would relieve banks of certain regulatory requirements imposed on them by Dodd-Frank, provided they meet certain capital requirements."

"Remember 2008? Lots of regulations were put into place to make sure that doesn't happen again. But the banking lobby doesn't like Dodd-Frank, and remarkably, neither does the GOP." -- News And Guts

While Everyone Was Obsessing Over Comey, Republicans Passed A Bill To Kill Dodd-Frank

By Bess Levin