Sunday, September 17, 2017

Alternet -- Our Country Has Gotten So Scary, I Don't Think I Can Live in Denial Anymore

Many politicians, journalists, academics, and many in the mental health community are increasingly questioning the state of Trump’s mind and whether he is capable of continuing to be our President.

Political commentator George Will said President Trump is someone who is not able to "think and speak clearly." And "It is urgent for Americans to think and speak clearly about President Trump’s inability to do either."

Marty Kaplan over at the Alternet gives us more to be concerned about:

Denial just ain’t what it used to be. Maybe it’s just me, but as recent news has delivered one gut punch after another, I'm feeling like magical thinking has lost its mojo.

Case in point: Though I know Donald Trump is pathologically void of empathy, who can process a truth as dark as that? We’re not talking about a Batman villain here; this is the effing president of the United States. So as a coping mechanism, my psyche threw an invisibility cloak over his immorality. It didn’t always work, but it came to a dead stop when neo-Nazis—“some very fine people”—marched and murdered in Charlottesville. I plumb ran out of the strategic ignorance necessary to pretend he’s not complicit in evil.

Here’s Kaplan’s story:

By Marty Kaplan