Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Oliver Stone Movie "W"

Last night I viewed the Movie “W.”

Anyone who knows me knows my stance in regard to Mr. Bush and his presidency, as well as my stance on issues in regard to society, and that of war. But, in fairness, in my view “W” was over the top in terms of Oliver Stone’s liberal use of artistic license in his portrayal of George W. Bush.

It was a good movie. Some of the actors mirrored their real life character portrayals exceptionally well. In particular, Richard Dreyfuss’s portrayal of Dick Cheney was, I thought, outstanding. Mr. Dreyfuss is an exceptional actor. He is not only an outstanding actor, but his personal views as expressed on a Fox News in an interview with Mike Huckabee are exceptional.

I am in agreement with his view:

“Richard Dreyfuss appeared on ‘The View’ to publicize ‘W.,’ in which he plays Dick Cheney, but ended up criticizing the film and director Oliver Stone instead.”

“When asked why he made the film, he said he did it for ‘money.’ Dreyfuss also said, ‘I think it's 6/8ths of a great film.’”

“Asked how it was to work with Oliver Stone, he said "imagine working for Sean Hannity... you can be a fascist, even when you're on the left.’”

'“He also said he isn't sure the film "will have any historical legs."'

Quotations from the (Video of interview may be viewed at this site)
The Fox News interview can be found on YouTube, “Richard Dreyfuss Explains How We Are ALL Slaves!”