Thursday, September 14, 2017

Trump’s diehard supporters are fuming after an apparent about-face on ‘dreamers’

To the extent you can believe Donald Trump on any issue, this is encouraging news.

Trump's devoted base erupted in anger after Democrats announced the president had agreed to pursue a deal to protect young undocumented immigrants but did not secure his promise to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, -- The Washington Post.

Staunch conservative allies of President Trump erupted in anger and incredulity late Wednesday after Democrats announced the president had agreed to pursue a legislative deal that would protect thousands of young undocumented immigrants from deportation but not secure Trump’s signature campaign promise: building a massive wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

As midnight neared, thousands of social media accounts came alive as elected officials and activists on the right dashed off tweets and posts to share their shock.

And in between those posts, there was a flurry of fuming calls and text messages — a blaring political fire alarm among Trump’s diehard supporters.

 ‘The reality is sinking in that Trump administration is on the precipice of turning into an establishment presidency, Sam Nunberg, a former Trump campaign adviser, said in an interview early Thursday morning.

While the initial wave of fury could change direction as new details emerge, the torrent represented the first major break of Trump’s devoted base from the president on a core issue.

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), one of the GOP’s biggest immigration hawks, issued a dramatic warning to the president after he scrolled through news reports.

 ‘If AP is correct, Trump base is blown up, destroyed, irreparable, and disillusioned beyond repair,” King tweeted, referencing an Associated Press story on the bipartisan agreement.

Conservative radio talk show host Laura Ingraham, who is friendly with Trump, mocked him for seeming to shelve the pledge that has animated his supporters since his campaign’s launch.

Here’s the rest of the story:

By Robert Costa