It doesn’t matter if global warming science is wrong. Whether or not global warming is caused by humans or whether global warming is a natural occurrence in nature, it is real. The United States needs to take action. If we acknowledge the fact that global warming is real, regardless of responsibility, and not ignore it but embrace it, we can then manage it. But, any way you look at it, isn’t better to be safe than sorry.
In February, warm weather caused the Arctic sea ice to melt the ice to its lowest extent ever recorded. Sea ice covered 5.51 million square miles, which is 455,600 square miles below average or a chunk of missing sea ice four times the size of Italy.
Yet, Scott Pruit, Administrator of the EPA, and the Trump Administration deny the facts that burning fossil fuels increases global warming.
“I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there’s tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact, so, no, I would not agree that it’s a primary contributor to the global warming that we see,” Pruit said.
Regarding his views on the role of carbon dioxide, the heat-trapping gas produced by burning fossil fuels, in increasing global warming, Mr. Pruitt said, “But we don’t know that yet,” he added. “We need to continue the debate and continue the review and the analysis.”
Pruitt’s statement contradicts decades of research and analysis by international scientific institutions and federal agencies, including the E.P.A.
“ . . . that could someday make him and others in the Trump administration, including the president, among the greatest criminals in human history for deliberately taking the U.S. out of the climate change sweepstakes,” -- TomDispatch.
Moreover, "As the reality of climate disruption shows its menacing face, more and more people will come to understand its obvious political and economic implications. In the meantime, we need to stop waiting for disasters to 'wake up' hardcore deniers. The dream they are in is just too damn good, too comfortable, and too profitable. But as Trump uses overlapping disasters of Harvey, Irma, North Korea, and whatever other hell he can exploit to smuggle through his cruel economic agenda, the rest of us should be wide awake to the reality that stopping him, and the worldview he represents, is a matter of humanity’s collective survival," according to the Intercept’s Naomi Klein.
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Zack Labe |