Friday, September 15, 2017

Alternet - Ivanka Has Played the Same Role for Her Dad for Over a Decade

Interrupting Big Daddy's meetings is neither an accident nor a harmless tic.
It’s what CNN calls the “Ivanka Drive-By.” An irritating and highly calculated practice of pop-ins at meetings just to say hi to “Big Daddy.”

CNN reports it’s a “habit Ivanka first cultivated back when she was 10 years old and a student at Manhattan’s Chapin School.

Hiding in a janitor’s closet during recess, she would dial her dad, who would put her on speakerphone with whomever happened to be in his office.

“It was colleagues, it was titans of industry, it was heads of countries. He’d always tell everyone in the room how great a daughter I was and say cute things and ask me about a test I took,” Trump told CNN chief political analyst Gloria Borger in an interview.

The Alternet writes, “Raise your hand if you’re completely creeped out that a woman in her mid-30s — indeed, a White House employee and a CEO of her own company — is still calling her father collect, so to speak, to “say cute things” in front of important people. On its face, Ivanka’s habit looks repulsively needy and juvenile — we sent this simpering fool to have a conversation with Angela Merkel? — but it would be a mistake to read this as an indulgence Trump performs for his daughter’s benefit. The Ivanka Drive-By is more likely a strategic tool — and not for the obvious reason.

Here’s the rest of the story:

By Erin Keane