Sunday, January 27, 2008

CFR and the Federal Reserve

This issue of the relationships of the CFR with the Fed, the CFR and the Fed with government -- its entanglement internationally with other governments and financial systems; its ideology -- is without question the most important issue facing the globe.

If we do not get folks to understand that we are headed toward a New World Order, which is a world order in which none of us will be free, but controlled from cradle to grave, we are all doomed.

With this New World Order, class differences are important in order for these folks to achieve, control and maintain their vision of a New World Order. Moreover, it has begun – consider the Euro, and the North American currency union proposal, which will bring about the Amero. A National ID card due to be the law in 2008 entitled the “Real ID Act” is also an important step in their vision of a New World Order.

I believe that we do need a new world order, but not of this design. Rather a New World Order that with authentic freedom for all achieved through our praxeological nature, world involvement as individuals, diversity, understanding, and achieving the desires that we all have in common will evolve.

We have previously discussed this issue; however, this issue is worthwhile and requires repeating time and time again.

I have forwarded the following to family and my children, friends and acquaintances, in regard to your email, in the hope that they will also disseminate the message.

Only we can create the impetus of change.

Council on Foreign Relations & The Federal Reserve.

In this article, there are some very important facts that need to be comprehended. For in it, there is an exposition as to why we are in our current state of affairs; it exposes the reason we have a particular (and I might add precarious) relationship with Israel, why we are in Iraq, and the reason for our belligerence toward Iran. It exposes the reason for our insatiable reliance on debt, and consequently our likewise reliance on credit.

The Foreign Policy of the Bush administration is influenced by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a nongovernmental organization. The CFR proposition, the Project for a New American Century is an ideology from which George W. Bush posited his National Security Strategy of the United States of America, the so-called "Bush Doctrine,” which holds responsibility for these unacceptable, untenable policies.

The tie in between the CFR and the Federal Reserve is not arguable -- the CFR established and does control the Federal Reserve System. Just compare the relationships of the signatories, the politicians, the conspirators who initiated the Federal Reserve System at Jekyll Island, with the CFR then and today.

Debt creation is the name of the game, and there is not a more viable way of creating debt than by creating credit. The more credit the greater debt creation. The players include not only individuals but governments as well.

This scenario has been in the works, the planning, since the late 19th century, and is the reason we have not only the Bush Foreign Policy, in particular, but also globalization, and the monetary policies in play today. The Federal Reserve monetary system is directly responsible for our current sub-prime lending problem that has devastated so many homeowners and our economy. Sub-prime lending also has the same problem potential for other mortgage holdings, such as automobiles and other large ticket items.

These exalted folks will go to any means to meet their ends. They are delighted to see Americans enthralled in sports, Super Bowl Sunday, American Idle, Deal or No Deal, the reality shows, and other entertainment, to keep their minds occupied as opposed to being mindful of the important issues. Their view is as long as our minds are occupied with entertainment and frivolity it will keep common folks like you and me below the radar on their escapades. They are more than willing to take all you hold dear up to and including your very life, as well as the lives of your children and family, in order to meet their ends.

It is also important to understand any future president will be so influenced, with the one exception of Ron Paul.

Please take the time to read this Creature from Jekyll Island article. Take the time to research the material. Analyze what is written, and you will come away with an entirely new way of thinking.

It will, or it certainly should, tick you off.

If you have not read the book by G. Edward Griffin, you should.