Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Al Franken with David Letterman,and Bernie Sanders with Al Gore, Leading the Fight Against Climate Change (VIDEOS)

Senator Bernie Sanders is the only politician we can depend on to truthfully talk about the critical issues facing our country. Climate change is only one of the issues, a condition he refers to as a major planetary crisis. People should pay attention to what he says. There is no political reasoning behind what he says; he says it because he honestly believes it is a crisis developing that will make earth inhabitable, eventually destroying this place we call home.

We should not shrug off warnings of cataclysmic environmental transformations. At some point in our future, an uninhabitable earth is not an unreasonable thought. Years of disregard for the earth can cause components of the earth system to change. Massive changes in earth's weather patterns and pollutants distributed in the air we breathe will eventually make earth too toxic to sustain life.

Here are three videos featuring Senator Al Franken drilling Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, Al Franken’s and David Letterman’s web series called “Boiling the Frog,” and an interview with Al Gore by Senator Bernie Sanders on solving the climate crisis.

All three of these gentlemen are leaders in the fight for climate change legislation that protects this place we call home.

Senator Al Franken drilling Secretary of Energy Rick Perry.

Al Franken and David Letterman Team Up to Fight Climate Change
The pair stars in a new web series called “Boiling the Frog.”

"There are a lot of people who reach high political life in our country and then disappear. Al Gore has not done that. Instead, for the last many years he has chosen to tackle the planetary crisis of climate change, educating people around the world on the serious consequences we are facing, as well as the solutions. I look forward to seeing his new movie An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power," -- Bernie Sanders.

Here’s the transcript of Bernie Sanders and Al Gore on solving the climate crisis.