Monday, June 5, 2017

N.Y. Times -- How G.O.P. Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science (Video)

"The campaign ad appeared during the presidential contest of 2008. Rapid-fire images of belching smokestacks and melting ice sheets were followed by a soothing narrator who praised a candidate who had stood up to President George W. Bush and 'sounded the alarm on global warming.'

"It was not made for a Democrat, but for Senator John McCain, who had just secured the Republican nomination."

Robert Reich:

The scientific evidence linking fossil fuels to climate change is far stronger now than it was in 2008. So what accounts for the U-turn in the Republican Party, from 2008 -- when Republican presidential candidate John McCain pushed an environmental policy even tougher than Barack Obama’s -- to now, with Trump exiting the Paris accord and every Republican leader in Congress praising him for doing so? Answer: Charles and David Koch, who over the last 8 years have bought off the Republican Party on climate change.

How G.O.P. Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science  By CORAL DAVENPORT and ERIC LIPTON