Friday, December 11, 2015

There is Nothing That Puts Christ Back in Christmas like a Gun

Many people see nothing wrong with this Christmas card. Some people have sent private messages essentially saying that they don't understand my problem. Why do I have such a problem with what others do.

I don’t have a problem with what other people do until it’s significantly contrary to deeply held beliefs. Assemblywoman Michele Fiore’s Christmas card represents killing — guns were invented for no other purpose than to kill — when Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Promoting peace, love, compassion is what should be promoted, not guns. The intentions are different, but Fiore’s card is no different from a Christmas card picturing ISIS executioners with their long knives held at their side 

You cannot see it too well in the picture
but Fiore's five-year-old grandson, Jake,
is holding a Walther p22 to his side
Fiore, of course, defends her actions. She says Christmas is a family affair. She posts on her Facebook page, “It's up to Americans to protect America. We're just your ordinary American family.-With love & liberty, Michele”

She, like all Republicans, supports the Second Amendment, believes guns are an absolute necessity to maintaining liberty and freedom.

Fiore is expected to soon announce her candidacy for Nevada’s U.S. 3rd Congressional District, currently held by Republican Joe Heck who is running for the U.S. Senate to fill the seat being vacated by retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.

Fiore is a strong supporter of Nevada’s gun community. She’s against gun free zones. She has hosted blue card gun registration shredding events. The Las Vegas PD has or soon will destroy 1.4 million handgun registrations mandated by Nevada’s new gun reform bill.

Concerning Syrian refugees, she said on her radio show, “I’m about to fly to Paris and shoot ‘em in the head myself. I am not OK with Syrian refugees. I’m not OK with terrorists. I’m OK with putting them down, blacking them out, just put a piece of brass in their ocular cavity and end their miserable life. I'm good with that.”

It should not be open to doubt or debate that it would be a very dangerous world, not one that is safe, if the Michele Fiores of this world get their way and every man, woman, and child of puberty carried a gun strapped to their shoulder or side.

“I am 100 percent politically incorrect, and I say bad words,” Fiore admitted.

Donald Trump and Fiore would make a great pair.

Copyright © Horatio Green 2015