Cole, writing about the irresponsibility shown in the reporting
and exploitation of America’s Ebola fears, puts forth some things of which Americans
should have greater concern, especially given the number of deaths they cause.
He concludes his article by stating:
“Whether it is the lobbyists for Big Coal who want to go on
spewing poison into the atmosphere, or the NRA lobbyists for the four major
corporations that manufacture hand guns or the restaurant lobbyists who want to
evade regulation and want to be able to kill their customers with 4,000-calorie
meals, or the cigarette manufacturers and distributors who are, like 0007,
licensed by the government to murder, the common denominator here is that our
corporations are often much worse for our health than a mere infectious disease
outbreak. But these health deficits are almost never reported on in the media
owned by the corporations. Instead, we’re encouraged to think about something
else while our pockets are being picked– say, an exotic disease.”